Climate Stories
PEI Climate Stories is a new series of short videos exploring the impacts of climate change on Prince Edward Island, and the adaptation strategies being implemented by Prince Edward Islanders.
The short videos have been produced by the University of Prince Edward Island's Climate Lab, in partnership with ClimateSense. The videos were produced with Jeff Eager from Hummingbird House Productions as the photographer and editor.
Four new Climate Stories are set for release in early 2024.
Victoria by the Sea, Prince Edward Island
Eric Gilbert discusses the environmental challenges and adaptation approaches to climate change in the small, rural municipality of Victoria by the Sea.
Hampton, Prince Edward Island
Mike Cassidy voices his dread about the coastal erosion on Prince Edward Island, and its insidious impacts on his cottage property in Hampton.
South Melville, Prince Edward Island
Shepherd Adam MacLean speaks about the challenges and opportunities from climate change that faces his sheep farm in South Melville.
Hampton, Prince Edward Island
Mike Cassidy shares his experience growing the Haskap berry, a more environmentally friendly alternative to table berries for Island farmers.