Internship Program
The ClimateSense Professional Internship Program is designed to build adaptation capacity in recent post-secondary students, as well as host organizations within the public and private sectors.
A number of Island organizations were selected to host a recent post-secondary graduate for a six (6) to twelve (12) month internship for 2021. During this time, our interns worked with mentors within the host organization to complete a sector-specific adaptation project, and also took part in ClimateSense Training and Development Programs.
We are pleased to present our 2021 Internship Projects.
Island Nature Trust

Climate Sense Intern Amy Frost-Wicks has worked with Island Nature Trust to develop an in-depth analysis of the forests contained within INT’s 6000+ acres of protected land, which involved assessing over 400 individual stands of former clear-cuts, plantations, and reclaimed agricultural fields. From this, they created a plan to thin and diversify certain stands over the next several years, with the aim of improving the resilience of PEI forests in the face of climate change. Additionally developing invasive species monitoring protocols and public outreach materials.
We are pleased to present Amy's final project.